After a really perfect, slow summer with just the right amount of teaching and just the right amount of editorial work to keep me going but not enough to get in the way of a brand-new writing project, things are definitely starting to get busy here this fall. Here are some bits of news!
Very honored to have been invited to give a reading and a class at Medaille College, as a part of their Write Thing Reading Series. If any of you will happen to be in the Buffalo area on November 6-8, give me a holler!
Mega flattered to have also been invited to offer a reading at the Sunday Reading Series at Hungry Brain in Chicago, March 15, 2020. Only five months away--mark your calendars!
Neither last nor least, I’ve been accepted into an MFA program at Bennington College, one of the most exciting programs in the country. It’s a low-residency program, which means I can stay put and continue to work full-time while I get ’er done. I’ve been thinking about doing this for…oh, ten years…so it feels like a dream and an extravagance but also, honestly, like exactly the right thing at exactly the right time. Wish me luck. I start in January.
I’m teaching this super out-of-the-box online Creative Writing course this Fall, too – starting October 23 (soon!) and there are still open slots. Come and play! Lots of creative prompts, lots of feedback and fertile discussion. Hosted by The Loft Literary Center, one of the absolute best good guys.
There’s some other stuff, work-quadrant stuff (I’m on my very first innovation committee!) and personal-quadrant stuff (my kitchen still has no floor!) but I won’t pester you with all that here. You can always catch up with me online or in person so we can swap news.
Cheers, everyone.
