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Nandini Godara: Roseburn Sleeps at Night


Updated: Aug 13, 2022

"After Sara left, I considered the matter settled. The crowd was unanimously against the unbearable living conditions and no one could point out a plan better than removing the large bins of rubbish altogether. We continued to party. At around 3 am, Tanya and Anita walked in, preoccupied. They sat down on the longer portion of the couch and ignoring everybody, un-paused a previous conversation. I couldn’t hear it but I had a pretty good idea what it was about. Sometimes, having a pretty good idea is much better. Here’s the idea: Anita was gearing up to leave for the US of A. Tanya was obviously not too happy. I get it. She’d miss her. What else is there to do here? What could she do? But Anita had ambitious plans and she wasn’t giving them up just to be realistically happy here with her girlfriend. What if she found something that could increase her happiness exponentially? Isn’t that a “what-if” worth chasing? And by the way, I get THAT too. Chasing is its own happiness, first. Second, this place was going to the dogs. Seriously, it was so messed up and now I’m 3 joints in just so you know, so I obviously have this beautiful plan to save their relationship. I walked, no, I SPRINTED towards them, real slow."


The creation of this website was partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

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